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--- Thought you guys would be interested in this... (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=12602)

Posted by James on 07-04-2008 at19:30:

  Thought you guys would be interested in this...

Looks good.


Posted by Dr Rich on 07-04-2008 at23:29:


Very cool. Cool

Posted by James on 07-07-2008 at19:42:


Geez, I would have thought there'd be a little more response to this. Come on, people! Show some love for Freddy B.!

Posted by PuP on 07-13-2008 at22:31:



Posted by Chesterdox on 07-14-2008 at08:05:


I like his description of his prayer life. Refreshing.

Posted by Audiori J on 07-14-2008 at09:26:


I agree with him on some things, there are other authors I like better.

Posted by jiminy on 07-14-2008 at14:44:


I ran a cross that bout a year ago- its a greas interview (IMHO)

neat to hear his insight-above what he has written

the Magnificent Defeat- quite a book.

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-14-2008 at20:13:

Thumb Up!

I think he is great! Cool

Posted by Ron E on 07-15-2008 at08:51:


Two slightly related tales...

This past week I was the kids speaker at a camp here in Ontario. You know camps... you have to have a nickname. The camp was doing a science based theme. I was reading Dostoevsky's short stories at the time and thought I'd use, Dusty or Evsky or something... the kids are 7-10. SA said, what about Buechner, since it sounds like "beaker", and the science thing... so I was "Beakner" It was cool to hear kids say, "Mr Beakner" sometimes... Smile
And, while there, I took a trip to a used book store and found "The Book of Bebb" all four volumes in one hard cover for the stunning price of $2! When I got to the checkout, the person there says, oh and its 30% off too! I paid 1.47 including tax!
I love him too, though I have to take some stuff he says with a grain of salt... or a bag.

Posted by jiminy on 07-15-2008 at10:15:


bebb is one of my favorite reoccuring Buechner characters.
its the mopping of the brow the wrinkley old suit that make him so cool.
Feast of Love had some things that were pertty strange-but I could relate to them so well.'

Bebb-concerning travel:

“All the roads in the world are one road when you come right down to it because your dirt tracks, your superhighways, your Park Avenues, the place they all end up is at the same place, and that’s the funeral parlor. We all got that to look forward to before we’re through, and we all got rough places and smooth places both till we get there, so in the meantime let’s stick close to each other while we follow the road to Jesus. This cup I’m hoisting now, its one for the road.”

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-15-2008 at15:58:


^Classic Buechner! Pleased

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