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--- Roadmap? (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=12123)

Posted by John Foxe on 11-28-2007 at08:00:


Has there ever been a thought about posting a roadmap of future proposed and actual events and releases? Something that might include DA, TST, Dogs, maybe related bands (Choir, 77s) and other artists (Doug Tennapel).

The purpose would be to manage expectations and stoke future interest and sales. The news page has not been updated in some time. But I have to remember to go there. Usually I will check the front page, see nothing new, then go right to the DAmb and see if I can find some news and crosstalk there. But it's hit or miss, I don't always catch the goodies intermingled with all the other information. But if it's put right on the front page with the latest update date, or a separate DAmb section, it would be a lot more obvious.


Posted by Mountain Fan on 11-28-2007 at13:03:


I think the roadmap's a great idea, but i don't see it being practical based on past history. it would probably turn into another thing to "complain" about Red Face Frown

I have learned to just be thankful for whatever gets released. Smile

It would be good to update the news page and maybe send out a periodic email about things in the works - maybe quarterly or biannually? (of course even that could turn into an excuse to gripe.)

Posted by DwDunphy on 11-28-2007 at17:15:


While I'd welcome the idea too, I think it's unfeasible. All of Terry's present band formations are cross-country. Sure, he and Dr. Love can toss the ideas out there, but with Tim, Derri & Skinny on the East Coast, who knows what will stick when?

And the fact that Greg seems to have been stuffed into the most recent Mars rover and launched and Jerry's just totally fallen into the Mystery Spot... Well, consternation abounds.

I'm still waiting for news on the Led Sevens sessions over at the 77s page...

Posted by audiori on 11-28-2007 at22:11:


Generally, the news page only gets updated with major announcements like something actually being released and hitting store shelves, etc. (I just realized that we didn't have the release of the new Eddies thing up there.. it is on the main page though). Same thing with the News List in general.

We typically never "officially announce" something that is just being planned or is "in the works." There are exceptions of course - like anything thats a preorder obviously has to be announced. We announced the HD sessions collection when we had been told that Larry had already announced it... at that point, theres no reason not to. "Instruction Through Film" was sort of announced in advance because we needed folks to dig through their archives and see if they had any DA-related material to contribute. The Darn Floor reissue was announced after Arena Rock Recording Co had already started mentioning it. Etc, etc. Most of that has only taken place on the message board however, where its more of a relaxed feeling.

Beyond that.. we just typically don't announce things that are being thought about or dreamed up - or even worked on to some degree - if theres still a chance that it might not happen. There tends to be dozens of projects that fit that category at any one time. Some end up happening, some don't for all kinds of reasons. For example, right now there are quite a few things that are up in the air.

Unfortunately, as others have hinted at, this is another area where its impossible to make everyone happy. We get complaints if we update folks on releases too frequently or too rarely. We've even had folks get mad because Terry said here that he hoped to do another DA record at some point. So... after awhile, you just kind of throw your hands up and announce it only when you're comfortable doing so.

Posted by John Foxe on 11-29-2007 at07:52:


Yeah, I understand you're trying to maintain the balance of information.

Still, it can be managed by what you say and how you say it.
For instance:

In the pipeline:

Project Last update Status Comments
DFBB 11/28/07 Arena Rock WIP
New DA record 11/28/07 Postponed indefinitely
HD project (LN) 11/28/07 Collaberation fell apart;
wait to buy DA's version!
HD project (DA) 11/28/07 WIP

Well, you guys do a very nice web site and a ton of work, so maybe the last thing you need is more advice. But maybe this is something to consider, rather than burying information at times.

Thanks for your work!

Posted by John Foxe on 11-29-2007 at07:54:

  Ah, nuts

The page stripped out all my separator spaces. Still, maybe you can imagine a grid with columns perfectly lined up...

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